Markéta Pavlíková, Ph.D.
1985-1992 Academy of Fine Arts, Prague,
Master of Fine Arts–Conservation of
Paintings and Polychrome Sculpture
1991 Licence of the Ministry of Culture
of the Czech Republic for
Conservation Work on art works
(paintings, sculptures) no. 9216/92
2005 –2014 - Research Assistant in the studio Conservation of Paintings and Polychrome Sculpture at Academy of Fine Arts, Prague, Czechoslovakia,
2006-2012 Graduated as doctor studium - Polychromy in sculpture
Work experience for institutions: National Gallery in Prague
Published work:
Articles published in periodicals: Art (Journal of the Institute for Art History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic), Technologia Artis (Academy of Fine Arts in Prague)
Intership abroad
2006 –Diskit Monastery Conservation Project, India Ladakh